A small thought for the people of Myanmar

A small thought for the people of Myanmar, where we not only met the most friendly and funniest people in the world, but also the most generous ones despite the oppressive regime under which they are living. It seems that unfortunately disasters always happen to the ones that deserve it least…

We have a special thought for our friends Nyeymo, Xyi and Win for whom we hope urgent help doesn’t come too late.

Happiness Young boy Young street vendor -)

If you have a heart and a little money to spare, do not forget them neither. There are many charity organisations that can bring help to them, Médecins sans Frontières is one of them.

Vera & Jean-Christophe

The highest pass of New Zealand

 Quick stat: day 16 and 790 km

We are now next to the most thrilling city of New Zealand: Queenstown. But do not expect us to do bumjee jumping or other crazy kiwi stuff, we had our own amount of thrill going up the highest pass of New Zealand ! A mere 1060 m, which in comparison to the one in Norway we did almost 2 years ago at around 1400m seems relatively easy. This is without counting on the building road capacities of Kiwis ! They like it hard and steep, we mean really steep ! Even in the lightest gear it seemed hell to cross, but we did it and we are happy to have done it and not have to do it again ;-)

So now we are resting in Arrowtown (18 km from Queenstown) for a couple fo days, time to fix our tent! Well, yeah our brand new tent (2,5 weeks old) broke a pole :-( hopefully it will all be sorted out soon. As our next stop will require “wild” camping, so we absolutely do need a tent !

So to resume our last days: we went from the Canterbury high country to the Otago region, had a rest day in Wanaka next to a beautiful eponym lake and took the road via the Crown Range to Arrowtown.

Take care,

Vera & Jean-Christophe

End of Autumn on the high plateau

Quick stat: Day 12 and 675 km

The high plateau of the central South Island is awesome! Since Fairlie, we visited lake Tekapo and had an enjoyable time in a Spa nearby. Then we had a great day to lake Pukaki, and went up to the base of Aoraki/Mount Cook where we could enjoy some real cold and snow!

We enjoyed every moments, even by rain or snow it was beautiful. When the weather gets really rainy, it reminds us a lot of Iceland :-) and no worries, our tent’s resistence has been thoroughly tested by now! It stands the tests of thunder storm, high wind, heavy showers and a river streaming underneath, without letting us get wet!


Cycling to the high country

Quick stat: Day 7 and 420 km

We are now in Fairly after some nice rides through the coast and the Canterbury plains. We are now heading to Lake Tekapu and Mount John. We hope to be able to spend a couple of days there, though it might be snowing next Wednesday…

Talking to the sheep…

… and other stuff you do while on the road by bicycle.

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The Isle of Sheep

We’re now touring New Zealand South island and are enjoying a bit of relaxation in Christchurch before heading inland. The coast line was pretty and not too difficult, though as we are just starting on our bicycle tour, we felt it harder than it really was. But we had cheering crowds along our way to encourage us :-) they were mainly seals, deers, cows and of course sheep!

Hopefully, we are again reasonably fit for cycling, as the inland mountains are awaiting us! Next news probably from Queenstown.

Our first kms…

So after having spent a lot of time in Auckland (too much time to Vera’s taste, she got all cranky about it, which wasn’t helped by the never-ending shower-rain pouring along) we finally have been cycling a bit!

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It’s hard…

… being a backpacker.

After 3 full days of running through Auckland, finding a tent and a bike to rent for both of us, Jean-Christophe had the following remarks (very much to the amusement of Vera):

“I definitely prefer working. At least you have a real weekend.”

“I can’t believe how much we have been walking today! And I still have a belly!!!”


Vera & Jean-Christophe