Author Archives: Vera

So how is it…

…cycling around New-Zealand in autumn? A question we get a lot from a lot of people we meet on the road. Well the answer is…

A small thought for the people of Myanmar

A small thought for the people of Myanmar, where we not only met the most friendly and funniest people in the world, but also the most generous ones despite the oppressive regime under which they are living. It seems that unfortunately disasters always happen to the ones that deserve it least… We have a special […]

Talking to the sheep…

… and other stuff you do while on the road by bicycle.

Our first kms…

So after having spent a lot of time in Auckland (too much time to Vera’s taste, she got all cranky about it, which wasn’t helped by the never-ending shower-rain pouring along) we finally have been cycling a bit!

It’s hard…

… being a backpacker. After 3 full days of running through Auckland, finding a tent and a bike to rent for both of us, Jean-Christophe had the following remarks (very much to the amusement of Vera): “I definitely prefer working. At least you have a real weekend.” “I can’t believe how much we have been […]

For the love of cycling…

Full title: Why the h*ll are we doing this? For the love of cycling… Based on a true story. This is a work of non-fiction. All the people in it are real and are identified by their real names.

Mate, you must be crazy…

… to not want to live in Sydney! With its beaches, nearby national parks, pubs, shopping possibilities and museums, it is definitely a great city to be in! And then we didn’t even talk about the one million different possibilities to fill up your stomach at some of the great restaurants serving creative fusion foods. […]


So I know it is time to write something… Probably you are already waiting for it. And yes I know, we just got back from Sydney, which was absolutely fantastic… So I could talk about that and tell you all about their great city with long white sandy beaches and endless blue waters… Or the […]