Author Archives: Vera

After mass-tourism…

… a little bit off the beaten track! After the “shock” of San Pedro de Atacama in Chile, it was quite a relief to find a different tourism just over the border with Argentina, where, during 10 days we enjoyed to be on the less traveled tracks.

The story continues…

After a year of great experiences and encounters all over the world, it is now almost time to go home. Almost… And then, we are only going home to come back…

Doing it “our way”

Now although we quite enjoyed Chile so far (nice people, very beatiful landscapes and good buses ) we had a little bit of a deception when we got to San Pedro de Atacama in the north. We already had a small feeling that this place was going to be very touristy, but we didn’t expect […]

The difference with Chilean buses…

So as it is up to me to do the real work, let’s get started! The good thing about me doing the work though is that I get to decide on most articles. So let’s talk about my favorite subject once more: buses!

My dear love…

This morning Jean-Christophe came to me saying: “I wrote something on the website!” all happy and smug about himself. So when I went to have a look, what did I find? A small article, saying the bare minimum, with a magnificent sentence: “Probably Vera will soon tell you more about it in an article.” Basically […]

Santiago de Chile: A nice city after all…

Before going to Santiago de Chile, a lot of people told us “Ah, you’ll see, it’s nothing there. Just a big business center!” or “Santiago? Oh no! Don’t stay there longer than a day! It’s horrible!”. Even our guidebook made us believe that Santiago was not worth the effort saying that “you shouldn’t spend too […]

Our theory on the Moai…

There are many theories about how the Rapa Nui moved the Moais from the quarry to their Ahu. Here is our own!

The Yin and Yang of French Polynesia

Yes, French Polynesia is about white, sandy beaches, crystal clear blue water, palm trees and coconuts lying around everywhere for everybody free to eat. Top that with incredibly friendly people, French baguette and croissants and you seriously start wondering why you are still living in Europe. BUT French Polynesia also has some obscure dark sides […]