Author Archives: Vera

Pic’ in the Picture: A different idea of business

In Asia, business is either more extreme or much more relaxed. Especially in South-East Asia, people don’t take “customer care” as serious as we do.

Hard times preparing…

A lot of people asked us “So? What’s it like to be home again?”. A question, we can’t really answer, as in one week, we will be on the road again for 3 months. In the meanwhile, “being home” is like a 100% full-time job, preparing our bikes for the next trip, taking care of […]

Pic’ in the Picture: Curious buddhas

A new category: picture in the picture. In this article we talk about what happens when buddhas become too old to be of service.

Home after one year: did anything change at all?

After one year travelling around the world, we were thinking that a lot of things at home would have changed, but very rapidly we found out that, no, in fact everything is still exactly the same.

Out of order…

After a 12-hour long flight, skipping a night… Vera & Jean-Christophe

Visiting Madrid

The different museums in Madrid were not only nice to visit, but revealed some very interesting things.

Buenos Aires chill out!

Buenos Aires is just the perfect city to end a one-year trip around the world: good food, good wine and the tango-rhythm makes this city just the perfect place to chill out for a few days before going back to the “normal life”.

A practical guide to Argentina

Now if you plan on visiting Argentina, be happy that we have been there before you and present you this “practical guide to Argentina” which will help you better understand its population and their traditions.