May '0709
Now that the departure date is drawing to a close, (only 84 days left) people slowly start wondering about the most important issues of our travel. Ellis (for information: Vera’s sister who spends most of her time and money on buying clothes): But if you have only one backpack, how are you going to handle […]
Jan '0715
First of all: Happy New Year to everybody! That all your wishes and dreams may come true! Ever since this miraculous number “7” appeared in the signification of the current year, friends and family have been mentioning, that 2007 is for sure going to be a great year for us, as this year we are […]
Dec '0610
Finally the first (important) step for our worldtrip has been done: we bought a photo camera. Now for those of you who do not know Jean-Christophe that well, it took Vera quite some of her best conviction techniques to make him see that a worldtrip is actually a good thing because it would give him […]