Sep '0727
Going on the Great Wall is always an experience as it is incredible to imagine that this immense wall has been built hundreds of years ago, like a snake sliding through the mountains in order to protect the Chinese empire against foreign invaders (especially the Mongols). It is even more incredible that this wall has […]
Sep '0725
Probably the best way to visit Beijing is by bike. At least compared to buses (continuously stuck in traffic jams) or by foot (by foot??? Do you have any idea how big this city is???). And as Beijing is flat like Holland it is not too hard neither. So for 3 days we rented some […]
Sep '0723
If you think that Mongolia is all about arid areas, without water and without trees, then you think exactly like we did before we went to Mongolia. But you know what? You’re wrong! Mongolia actually has quite a lot of lakes and quite a lot of forests to explore. That’s what we did on the […]
Sep '0716
Ulaanbaatar, September 2nd, 9 AM: An old Russian jeep is waiting for us in front of the guesthouse from where we will leave for the Gobi Desert. A hair-rising hour through Ulaan Baatar, a lot of almost accidents later and the sure knowledge that the brakes do not work that well but the horn does, […]
Sep '0714
On the 29th of August we left Irkutsk by train for the capital of Mongolia: Ulaan Baatar. We were quite excited about it, because going to Mongolia had been a thing we had been dreaming about for many years.
Aug '0731
We just got back from a 2 times 2-day hike close to the Baikal Lake (2 times 2-days as we had to make a “blister-stop” in between to give Vera’s feet some rest…). Lake Baikal is the biggest lake in the world and the deepest one: it contains 1/5 of all fresh water in the […]
Aug '0719
17.08.2007: This morning we arrived in the Altai region with the overnight bus from Novosibirsk. The night had been quite long as the departure was at 23h00 and then there were several stops on the way at which every Russian went outside (desperate to smoke, or, even more desperate, to buy their beer or vodka). […]
Aug '0716
Some tasks are just very simple, like for example buying stamps at a post office. Even in Spain or Italy, if you do not manage to speak a word of the local language, you just show up with your postcards, point at the place where the stamp should be and there is a big chance […]