Santiago, South America

Here we are now on the South American continent! We just landed a few hours ago in Santiago De Chile. The weather is grey, with rain and a temperature of 9 degree celsius. So nothing to envy us ;-)

But we won´t talk too long then of the wonderful weather we had in Rapa Nui (Easter Island). We did some great hikes there and seeing for real the huge and magnificient Moaïs was gorgeous!

We have now one month t explore the Northern part of Chile and Argentina before flying to Madrid. Yes, we are soon going back to Europe and the begining of our trip.

But for the moment we will enjoy every minute of our stay in South America, so cheers…

Jean-Christophe & Vera


  1. Posted June 22, 2008 at 13:13 | Permalink

    Alors, pas de Bolivie ni de Pérou ?

  2. Vera
    Posted June 24, 2008 at 4:27 | Permalink

    Non, malheureusement on nŽaura pas de temps de visiter ces deux pays… :-(
    L’annee prochaine alors! ;-)
