… to not want to live in Sydney! With its beaches, nearby national parks, pubs, shopping possibilities and museums, it is definitely a great city to be in! And then we didn’t even talk about the one million different possibilities to fill up your stomach at some of the great restaurants serving creative fusion foods. But maybe Sydney is best described in colors.
White: A typical day in Sydney starts with fresh bread rolls and a “flat white” (it’s like a cappuccino, but not really, because you can also order a cappuccino, so it is definitely not the same thing, but then nobody has been able to really explain us the difference…).
Blue: Their coastal areas are just amazing! We thought we had amazing bleu waters in Thailand, but here they are just as blue! And yes, we are a little bit jealous of all those Sydneysiders being able to surf, snorkle and dive in their freetime… And then to make it even worse: they just build those gorgeous swimming pools directly next to the sea!
Green: Their numerous parks and freetime areas are great! People are jogging and cycling everywhere, even close to the business district where especially at noon you will see businessmen going for a midday-run (but while attending a conference call over their mobile phone, it’s business after all!).
Red: Sydneysiders love to go out and enjoy a glass of wine with a good meal. They serve excellent Australian wines (especially after 7 months in Asia… ) and seafood is freshly available at the Fish Market which is a great place for the tastebuds.
So you see, whatever coloured glasses you like to put, Sydney has something for everybody!
Vera & Jean-Christophe
Oh là là ça fait envie!!
vous savez qu’avec Julien on a hésité entre l’Australie et la Guadeloupe…
peut-être dans quelques années!!
hey veertje……
alles goed daar? hier is het eel druk geweest met de verbouwing is wel echt mooi geworden nu nog wachten tot de meubels in augustus komen hihi….. Wel erg mooie foto’s van cambodja en mayanmar echt super mooi kan me ook voorstellen dat je blij bent geweest toen je in sydney weer even in de bewoonde wereld terecht kwam hihi…. Nou nog heel veel plezier de laatste maanden en fiets niet te veel he hihi dikke kus ellis en bjorn