We decided to create a new category: “Picture in the Picture”. During our trip around the world, we have been taking a lot of pictures of course, some better, some worse, and in this category we want to put some of those pictures in the spotlight. Not because it is very beautiful or technically a “good picture”, but because there is a nice story to tell about it. Like this, we will take pictures from our collection at random and will tell their stories, anecdotes and experiences from around the world. Enjoy reading and travelling!
The picture of those buddhas was taken in Luang Prabang, Laos. We were visiting one of the most important temples of this town, Wat Xieng Thong, when we found this rather neglected building, in which old buddhas were stored. In any buddhist country, statues of buddhas cannot be thrown away. They either get repaired or go into some kind of elderly home for old and abandoned buddhas where they’ll live forever. We thought these four guys were especially charming, as they seem to be looking and wander what is going on, happy to see somebody visiting them.
Vera & Jean-Christophe