
So I know it is time to write something… Probably you are already waiting for it. And yes I know, we just got back from Sydney, which was absolutely fantastic… So I could talk about that and tell you all about their great city with long white sandy beaches and endless blue waters… Or the stunning architecture… Or just the fact how nice it is to be in a “Western” country after having spent 7 months in Asia…

But I just don’t have any inspiration today. And then, even if I had inspiration, sometimes it is just nice to not have to do any “homework”, but instead surf the internet for a few hours (of course sometimes we have a lot to catch up with, especially with a clown as a president, it’s hard to keep up-to-date with all the “bling-bling” going on…).

Maybe in a few days it will get better and my muse will come back to give me a “fully-reloaded-inspiration-kiss”. If that happens, I will let you know.

In the meanwhile, enjoy our pictures, which definitely say as much as words. :-)



  1. Florent
    Posted April 11, 2008 at 14:26 | Permalink


    On est Vendredi après-midi…

    Encore trois heures avant de partir…

    Il fait méga gris dehors…

    Non, ben non. Je n’irai définitivement pas voir vos photos aujourd’hui :-)

  2. Posted April 11, 2008 at 16:01 | Permalink

    I completely understand what you feel. Recently I spent two weeks in Morocco and when I got back to a Western Country I just couldn’t believe myself, I could relax! in a different way, no hassling, no haggling, no escaping rip offs.
    Thanks for your blog, it encourages me to go on a year trip, and that is something I really need, encouragement.

  3. Posted April 11, 2008 at 20:21 | Permalink

    alors moi j’ai attendue d’être en week-end pour regarder les photos…je suis subjuguée!! Les couleurs et les contrastes sont saisissants…vous pourriez vous reconvertir en photographes pro en rentrant?

    Bises à tous les deux


  4. Vera
    Posted April 12, 2008 at 10:18 | Permalink

    @Florent: :-)
    Mais maintenant c’est le weekend donc tu pourrais regarder. ;-)

    @Julian: Thanks for leaving a comment. We are happy to hear that our travels inspire other people. And if you want to have a good tip: GO FOR IT!!! It’s great! :-)
    You can write us a direct email if you like to have more informations concerning planning, costs, things to do/to avoid, etc. Anything you like. :-)
    vera (at)

    Celine: Moi je voudrais bien, mais bon, on verra bien. :-) En tout cas pour línsant c’est juste bien de s’amuser. :-)


  5. Posted April 12, 2008 at 11:20 | Permalink

    Un peu perdus? Retour à un mode de vie occidentale après cette belle découverte de l’Asie surprenante? Alors soufflez un peu…et reprenez des forces pour de nouveaux horizons, de nouveaux contacts, d’autres amitiés et d’autres moments intenses et chaleureux. Grosses bises

  6. Posted April 13, 2008 at 10:12 | Permalink

    si je ne mets rien la famille ne sera pas au complet! alors, après les enfants c’est au tour des parents de vous féliciter pour ces superbes photos! Bises.

  7. Posted April 13, 2008 at 13:43 | Permalink

    je tiens à rajouter que Flo et Manu ne peuvent pas regarder les photos ce week-end, à cause de 2 concerts de leur chorale. C’est pour çà que je vous envoie ce post depuis la Belgique où nous faisons notre première journée de baby-sitting pour Marion!!re- bisous.

  8. Posted April 14, 2008 at 18:59 | Permalink

    Who is the clown-president?? There are so many to choose from Bush (.us), Sarko (.fr), Barroso (.eu) and the list goes on…

    I had noticed that you guys were relaxing a bit.. Jean-Christophe even started replying technical questions ;)

    Enjoy the trip and see you in a few months!

    João (from the Ventura Mafiosi family)

  9. Jean-Christophe
    Posted April 15, 2008 at 3:51 | Permalink

    As for the clowns, it seems that Italy was eager to join the crowd! :-(

    And sure we will see your little mafia pretty soon :-)