Challenging the eagles! :-)

Challenging the eagles! This trip around the world is not only about “seeing the world” nor about “visiting 48 countries in 365 days”. For us it is more like an opportunity to do new things, to get to know other cultures better and foremost, to get to know ourselves better, by doing new, interesting, challenging things. Therefore we decided to go and have a look at the Himalayas from a completely different angle and go paragliding! :-)

Around 10 in the morning, we were thrown out of a minivan and had to walk 2 minutes to the take-off-point for our “flight”. In the beginning the wind wasn’t strong enough to take off for two people at the same time (as we had never done this before, we took a so-called “tandem-flight” which means you fly with an instructor who knows what he is doing) so we had to wait a bit, a time in which Vera’s Russian instructor “Victor” explained us some basic notions. Jean-Christophe was going down with a Nepali instructor.

Running in the air! The take-off was definitely one of the best things of the adventure: all of a sudden, when the wind was judged strong enough by our instructors, a strong pull on the strings got the parachute picked-up like a big colored bird. Then, on a hastened “Go!”, we started running very fast towards the edge of the cliff, until the parachute picked up enough wind and we realized we were running in the air. And hop! Childhood memories came up, when we plunged forwards into the air, like on a giant swing! :-)

It was so quiet, no noise of motors, only the sound of wind in our ears and the flapping of the wings of eagles, vultures and ravens getting very close seeming to inspect what we were doing in “their territory”. Our instructors were very clever, following the birds’ natural instincts on finding the best possible thermal waves to curl up higher and higher…

From up we had beautiful views on the Himalaya on one side and the Phewa Lake in Pokhara on the other before we slowly, slowly started our descent towards the landing. Carefully, not to land in the lake, we navigated towards the landing site. And although our flight had been very gracious so far, this is where the problems started (one has to admit it: it had been too good to be true so far…): Vera fell over with her nose in the grass, whereas Jean-Christophe managed to land AND vomit at the same time! ;-)

What an experience! :-)

Vera & Jean-Christophe


  1. Posted December 14, 2007 at 16:01 | Permalink

    Oui, ben moi aussi hein je “challenge les eagles”…

    Bon ok, au 10° étage de ma tour, ce sont plutôt les pigeons…
    Et je ne vole pas vraiment…
    Et les eagles sont juste en MP3…

    Bon ok, vous avez ruiné mon Vendredi après-midi… Bravo :-)

  2. Posted December 14, 2007 at 16:18 | Permalink

    bel atterrisage dites-donc! comment va ton nez Vera? Et Jean-Christophe, c’était le vertige comme ton cousin? J’espère que tu as aussi apprécié quand-même?

    Cela dit, comme expérience de dépassement de soi, c’est pas mal! Et ça doit être grandiose! En plus dans des paysages pareils!

    Bon atterissage dans vos nouvelles contrées!

  3. Posted December 14, 2007 at 16:33 | Permalink

    Au fait… Comment avez-vous pour partir de l’himalaya en parapente et atterrir en Thaïlande ?

  4. Jean-Christophe
    Posted December 14, 2007 at 16:48 | Permalink

    @ Florent : J’ai pas vomis en Thailand, mais sur les bords du lac de Pokhara !!

    Pour la Thailand, on a pris la luxueuse companie Thai Airways de Katmandu a Bangkok. Voyage avec le tout nouveau Boeing 777, tout confort et spacieux, meme en classe eco.
    Et le mieux etait la nourriture a bord (Thai bien sur), comme au resto. Je l’ai elu la companie ayant le meilleur repas a bord ! En plus, ils te proposent vin et/ou cognac (en digestif) en plus des 2 boissons froides et de celle chaude… le luxe ! ca fait du bien apres Katmandu et le trek ;-)

  5. Posted December 14, 2007 at 19:11 | Permalink

    jean-christophe, avais-tu un sac en papier comme au Mexique????superbe expérience! oubliez vite l’aterrissage et remontez bien vite à la hauteur des aigles. Ce doit être génial même enayant la trouill! bises à tous deux.

  6. Posted December 14, 2007 at 22:36 | Permalink

    Ah ! tu sais menager le suspense Vera, et pourtant je connaissais la fin, via mails et le chat, mais ça ne fait rien, j’ai quand meme bien en lisant la fin de ton histoire. Je te l’ai deja dit, si tu a des retards d’embauche au retour, pas de souci, un éditeur sera ravi de publier tes recits. Rappelle-toi celui ou tu racontais ta chute en rollers, en Allemagne, je l’ai gardé, un vrai morceau d’anthologie… :-)
    bisous et bonne continuation.

  7. Posted December 24, 2007 at 15:01 | Permalink

    Merci pour ces superbes photos qui me font voyager depuis mon bureau. Je vous souhaite une très heureuse année 2008 riche en découvertes et rencontres. Je vous embrasse bien fort.

  8. Posted August 31, 2009 at 8:06 | Permalink

    I am pleased that flight left not overlooked impressions in your travel on paraplane.
    victor -tandem pilot/.